
Colorado Sober Living

A Safe and Supportive Environment for Recovery

Sober living programs are an incredible resource for people in early recovery. According to ASAM, these programs are considered level 3 care and provide residential support for people struggling with sobriety. A longitudinal study by the NIH indicated people are more likely to maintain longterm sobriety if they attend sober living. One of the main reasons is the time it takes for the brain to heal and new behaviors to develop. If the average person takes roughly 3-4 months to create new habits, it’s no wonder people relapse after they leave intensive care programs.

For the first few months after residential treatment or detox, people are incredibly vulnerable to relapse. The goal of sober living is to provide a time buffer between leaving a higher form of treatment and moving into a less structured and supportive environment. These safe havens provide people who struggle with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) a safe and supportive sober environment to live in. Attending this type of program will help surround struggling addicts with a peer support network and people striving toward similar goals.

When considering a Colorado sober living house, you can expect most programs to include some combination of the following behavioral expectations for/from participants:

  • Should have a full time job, attend school, volunteer, attend some form of outpatient treatment
  • Encourage creating and maintaining a peer support network
  • Recovery/peer coaching
  • Some adherence to structure and routine
  • Basic living essentials (bed, sheets, towels, laundry machine, etc…) Some programs include food budget
  • Case management
  • Creating and maintaining recovery routine
  • Access to fitness equipment

Our main goal is to help support people in all stages of their recovery. If you are interested in learning more about sober living programs and our connection with local houses, contact our team today!